Birth is a 2019 computer-animated short film from Paramount Animation. Featuring characters from the Twin, Duo, & Two franchise, the short premiered on CBS on December 20, 2019 and was released on the Blu-ray version of Twin, Duo, & Forever by Paramount Home Entertainment.
Taking place a several years after the events of the fourth film, Lance finds out that his new wife Mina is pregnant and expected to give birth to a child.
Coming soon!
- Tom Holland as Lance Woodard
- Isla Fisher as Layla Woodard
- Sarah Vowell as Mina Tapia
- Zach Braff as Karson Tapia
- Jesse McCartney as Raiden
- Gary LeRoi Gray as Rylan
- AnnaSophia Robb as Aniya
- Gina Rodriguez as Alissa
- Chloë Grace Moretz as Sara Bicker
- Ariel Winter as Alisson Wagner