Double Twin Times is a 2004 American computer-animated comedy short film produced by Paramount Feature Animation. The short was released on December 14, 2004 with the DVD and VHS release of Paramount's computer-animated film Twin, Duo, & Two as a bonus feature.
The film was nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Animated Short Film.
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Voice cast[]
- Spencer Klein as Lance Woodard
- Dakota Fanning as Layla Woodard
Double Twin Times was released on December 14, 2004 as bonus feature on the Twin, Duo, & Two DVD and VHS release. The short was also released on April 5, 2011 on the Twin, Duo, & Two Blu-ray.
The short was also attached to international theatrical showings of Nickelodeon Movies' The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.
- Main article: Double Twin Times/Transcript
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