Dreamland is a 1996 American live-action/animated fantasy film produced by Miramax Animation and released by Miramax Films under their Miramax Family Films imprint. It was directed by Joe Johnston with animated sequences directed by Franco Shepard, from a screenplay by Shepard, Irene Mecchi and Thomas Lennon and a story by Shepard and Michael Winters, and stars the voices of Beverley Mitchell, David Spade, Jonathan Ward, Martin Short, Julie Andrews, Christopher Lloyd, and Billy Crystal. The film centers a young teenage girl named Patience who has enter the world of dreams (in her sleep), where she tried to defend the world's liveliness against Master Nightmare, a evil, cruel and demented overlord who intends to desaturate the world in order to satisfy his "nostalgic taste".
Dreamland was released on July 26, 1996 to positive reviews from critics, who praised its animation, characters, music, and performances. It was a success at the box office, earning over $182 million worldwide on its $48 million budget, making it the fifth highest-grossing animated film of 1996. A television series based on the film aired from 1997 to 2000.
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Voice cast[]
- Beverley Mitchell as Patience
- David Spade
- Jonathan Ward
- Martin Short
- Julie Andrews
- Christopher Lloyd as Master Nightmare
- Billy Crystal
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Additional voices[]
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Dreamland was originally conceived by Franco Shepard in the late 1980s following the success of Disney's The Little Mermaid while working on Little Helpers To the Rescue at Paramount Feature Animation.
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Dreamland was originally slated for February 1996, but was pushed to July 1996 to give the production team more time to finish the film.
The film was accompanied by a promotional campaign by McDonald's.
Home media[]
Dreamland was released on VHS and LaserDisc on December 3, 1996. The film was later released on DVD on June 20, 2000. It also includes an audio commentary by Joe Johnston, Franco Shepard, and Michael Winters, a 28-minute making-of documentary, a gallery of concept art, storyboards, test footage, deleted scenes, and DVD-ROM features. The film was released for the first time on Blu-ray on May 26, 2015.
On March 4, 2021, Dreamland, along with other Miramax Animation films, became available on Paramount+.
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Other media[]
Video games[]
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Television series[]
- Main article: Dreamland (TV series)
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Other appearances[]
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To see the main transcript of the film, click here.
To see the transcript for the trailers of the film, click here.