Friendly Fox is an animated cartoon character, created in the early 1950s by Nancy Farwell for Famous Studios and voiced originally by Arnold Stang and now voiced by Billy West. Friendly is best known for his starring roles in Noveltoons series of animated short films, produced by Paramount Pictures. Friendly is an anthropomorphic red fox who is famous for his sly and happy-go-lucky personality. Due to Friendly's popularity during the golden age of American animation, he became an American cultural icon and the official mascot of Paramount Pictures.
Since his debut, Friendly has appeared in various short films, feature films, compilations, TV series, music records, comics, video games, award shows, amusement park rides, and commercials. He also has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Friendly Fox is an animated cartoon character, created in the early 1950s by Nancy Farwell for Famous Studios and voiced originally by Arnold Stang and now voiced by Billy West. Friendly is best known for his starring roles in Noveltoons series of animated short films, produced by Paramount Pictures. Friendly is an anthropomorphic red fox who is famous for his sly and happy-go-lucky personality. Due to Friendly's popularity during the golden age of American animation, he became an American cultural icon and the official mascot of Paramount Pictures.
Since his debut, Friendly has appeared in various short films, feature films, compilations, TV series, music records, comics, video games, award shows, amusement park rides, and commercials. He also has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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- Friendly Fox is one of the few character that didn't sold out to Harvey Comics since Paramount decided to refuse to sold him after they placed him as their mascot.
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- Friendly Fox is one of the few characters that didn't sold out to Harvey Comics since Paramount decided to refuse to sold him after they placed him as their mascot.
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- Friendly Fox is one of the few characters that didn't sold out to Harvey Comics since Paramount decided to refuse to sold him after they placed him as their mascot.
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Coming soon!
- Friendly Fox is one of the few characters that didn't sold out to Harvey Comics since Paramount decided to refuse to sold him after they placed him as their mascot.
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Coming soon!
- Friendly Fox is one of the few characters that didn't sold out to Harvey Comics since Paramount decided to refuse to sold him after they placed him as their mascot.
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Coming soon!
- Friendly Fox is one of the few characters that didn't sold out to Harvey Comics since Paramount decided to refuse to sold him after they placed him as their mascot.
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