Future Legend is a 1995 American animated fantasy adventure comedy film directed by Zaiden Fischer and written by Nadia Hanson, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger (in their theatrical film debut) and starring the voices of Christina Ricci, Jodi Benson and Jason Marsden. The film set in the future, where a group of young teenagers who were go out on the quest to save their homeland from an evil wizard and in order to become a legend.
The film was produced by Viacom Pictures and Viacom Animation and released on June 30, 1995, in the United States by Paramount Pictures. It was the last film to be produced by Viacom Pictures before it folded into Paramount, as well as the last film produced by Viacom Animation before being folded into Paramount Feature Animation in late 1995. It grossed over $456.8 million, it is the fifth highest-grossing film of 1995, the highest-grossing animated film of the year, and the highest-grossing non-Disney animated film at the time. A direct-to-video sequel, titled Future Legend II, was released on February 20, 2001.
Coming soon!
- Christina Ricci as Jayda, a young teenager who want to be a legendary warrior and tried to follow in her dad's footsteps
- Jodi Benson as Holly, Jayda's best friend who later ends up going with her on the quest
- Jason Marsden as Rishi, Jayda's childhood friend who has a crush on Holly.
More coming soon!
Additional Voices[]
- Jack Angel
- Robert Bergen
- Mary Kay Bergman
- Bill Bowles
- Rodger Bumpass
- Corey Burton
- Robert Clotworthy
- Jim Cummings
- Jennifer Darling
- Debi Derryberry
- Denise Dowse
- Paul Eiding
- Bill Farmer
- Don Fullilove
- David L. Lander
Production and release[]
During the production of The Children of California in 1990, Nadia Hanson wrote the treatment for the script and immediately pitched it to Viacom Animation. 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures were both expressed an interest in distributing the film alongside Viacom Pictures. But when Viacom acquired Paramount Pictures in 1994, the film ended up in the hands of Paramount.
Home media[]
Future Legend was released by Paramount Home Video on VHS and LaserDisc on November 7, 1995. The film later re-released on VHS and DVD on November 13, 2001. Then it was released in 2005 as part of a 10th anniversary special edition DVD under the Paramount Animation Collection label and later on Blu-ray in October 27, 2015 as part of the film’s 20th anniversary with the film digitally transferred. On March 4, 2021, Future Legend, along with other Viacom Animation films, is now available on Paramount+.
The film led to many video games such as The Next-Gen.
Coming soon!
Television series and sequel[]
A television series of the same name based on the film was made and ran on Nickelodeon from 1997 to 2000.
In 1994, Fischer and Hanson stated that a sequel would immediately be made after the first film was released with production immediately started in July 1995 due to the huge box office success of the film. Future Legend II was released direct-to-video on February 20, 2001.
To see the main transcript of the film, click here.
To see the transcript for the trailers of the film, click here.