Paramount Animation Fan Wiki

Future Legend II is a 2001 American animated direct-to-video fantasy adventure comedy film produced by Paramount Television Animation and Nickelodeon Animation Studio. Sequel to the 1995 Viacom Animation film Future Legend, the film is directed by Lynne Naylor and stars the reprised roles of Jodi Benson and Jason Marsden, along with new cast members like Kath Soucie (replacing Christina Ricci) and Kirsten Dunst. The film was released on February 20, 2001.


Coming soon!


More coming soon!


Prior to the first film's release, Viacom Animation said they hoped to do a sequel. Director Zaiden Fischer and writer Nadia Hanson stated in early 1994 that a direct-to-video sequel was in production with a release date in 1998 due to the huge success of the original film with Christina Ricci, Jodi Benson and Jason Marsden to reprise his role as Jayda, Holly and Rishi. In 1996, Paramount Pictures acquired the rights to the franchise, with Nancy Farwell and River Becker taking the roles of executive producer from William Mathews, who died in December 1997. Due to Mathews' death, the film was delayed to 2000 and Paramount obtained a benefit from the film's profits. It is reported that in 1999 that the film was delayed to 2001.


Future Legend II was met with mixed to positive reviews with most critics calling it an improvement over the first film.


Another sequel, titled Future Legend III, was released in 2004, once again direct-to-video on DVD and VHS, to mixed reviews. A fourth film, titled Future Legend: Corrupted Data, was released on DVD on February 2, 2010.



To see the main transcript of the film, click here.


To see the transcript for the trailers of the film, click here.
