Meredith is an American media franchise created by Paramount Animation, commencing in 1994 with the theatrical release of the traditionally animated fantasy adventure film Meredith's Journey. The success of the film led to four direct-to-video sequels, several video games, theme park attractions, and other merchandise.
Meredith's Journey (1994)[]
- Main article: Meredith's Journey
Meredith's Journey is a 1994 British-American traditionally animated musical fantasy adventure film created by Paramount Animation and Steven Spielberg's Amblimation animation studio, and was released to theaters on October 21, 1994 by Paramount Pictures. It was directed by Julie Young and Simon Wells and written by Young, Theresa Cullen, Elana Lesser, and Cliff Ruby. The film was a critical and commercial success.
Meredith's Returns[]
- Main article: Meredith's Returns
Meredith's Returns is a 1998 direct-to-video sequel to the original 1994 film. It was released by Paramount Home Entertainment on VHS and DVD in the United States on February 17, 1998. It was produced and directed by Roy Allen Smith and Mario Piluso and written by John Ludin and Dev Ross. Unlike its predecessor, Meredith's Returns received generally mixed reviews.
Meredith and the Mysterious Kingdom[]
- Main article: Meredith and the Mysterious Kingdom
Meredith and the Royal Adventure[]
- Main article: Meredith and the Royal Adventure
Meredith: The Legend of the Brave[]
- Main article: Meredith: The Legend of the Brave
Live-action remake[]
On September 13, 2016, Paramount announced that a live-action remake of Meredith's Journey was in production which would begin filming in 2018.
More coming soon!
- Main article: Meredith (TV series)
Meredith is an American animated television series created by Paramount Television in 2001, based on the 1994 film Meredith's Journey. The series aired on MTVK.
More coming soon!
Video games[]
Coming soon!
Theme park attractions[]
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Cast and characters[]
More coming soon!