Miramax Animation is an American animation studio that is the animation division of Miramax. Founded by former Paramount animator Michael Winters in May 1991. The first film produced by Miramax Animation, Romeo and Juliet, was released on September 9, 1994. After twelve years of operation, the studio was quietly shut down in 2006, along with the Miramax Family division.
Miramax Animation's production services only in films 2007 and 2020
On March 18, 2019, Miramax revived its animation division, along with its family division. Michael Lachance, who had previously developed projects at DreamWorks Animation and Sony Pictures Animation, was named the division's executive vice president.
After leaving Paramount Feature Animation in 1990, animator Michael Winters was hired by Miramax founders Bob and Harvey Weinstein to discuss the creation of a feature animation division, an offer which Winters immediately accepted. In 1991, Miramax announced its plans to launch an animation division, and hired a few of the staff jobs from other animation studios, such as Walt Disney Feature Animation and Hanna-Barbera, to join the feature animation department.
More coming soon!
Feature films[]
Released films[]
# | Title | Release date | Distributor/Co-produced with | Animation services | Note |
1 | Romeo and Juliet | September 9, 1994 | Miramax Films Miramax Family Films |
In-house facilities | |
2 | Cow Chase! | March 17, 1995 | |||
3 | Dreamland | July 26, 1996 | |||
4 | George's Marvellous Medicine | April 18, 1997 | |||
5 | Cow Chase Two! | March 6, 1998 | |||
6 | Savannah Run | August 13, 1999 | Miramax Films | ||
7 | Lady of the Firebrand | August 18, 2000 | |||
8 | The Curse of the Powerlight | September 28, 2001 | |||
9 | Cow Chase Three! | March 8, 2002 | |||
10 | Magical Circus | August 15, 2003 | Miramax Animation's final traditional animated film. | ||
11 | Modern Style | July 27, 2004 | Miramax Films Spyglass Entertainment |
Miramax Animation's first computer animated film. | |
12 | Meerkats | December 16, 2005 | Miramax Films | ||
13 | Susan and the Mermaid | October 20, 2006 | Miramax Films Spyglass Entertainment |
Miramax Animation's last film until its revival in 2019. | |
14 | Modern Style: Part 2 | September 11, 2007 | Production services only | ||
15 | Mission Rita | March 28, 2008 | Miramax Films | ||
16 | P.O.L.I.C.E. Squad | May 15, 2009 | Miramax Films | In-house facilities | |
17 | Modern Style: The Third Project | February 19, 2010 | Miramax Films Spyglass Entertainment | ||
18 | The Last Unicorn | July 30, 2010 | Miramax Films | Production Services only; Miramax Animation's last film to be released by Miramax during their Disney tenure before being sold to Filmyard Holdings. | |
19 | Battle of the Stars | February 25, 2011 | Production services only | ||
20 | Flora and the Fairy Squadron | September 9, 2011 | Miramax | ||
21 | The Marvelous Mischief | August 31, 2012 | Production services only; Miramax Animation's first traditional animated film since 2003. | ||
22 | Animals in Training | August 2, 2013 | Production services only | ||
23 | Jane & Suzy | March 21, 2014 | Miramax Sonia Landry Studios | ||
24 | Glowlight | April 24, 2015 | Miramax | ||
25 | The Jungle Family | October 23, 2015 | Lionsgate Miramax |
Production services only; Miramax Animation's first film to be released by different studios rather than Miramax, which still produced the film for its animation division. | |
26 | Fairy Tale City | August 5, 2016 | Production services only | ||
27 | The Wind in the Willows | February 24, 2017 | Miramax | ||
28 | Modern Style: The Last Piece | May 11, 2018 | |||
29 | Jane & Suzy 2 | August 23, 2019 | Miramax Sonia Landry Studios | ||
30 | Red Riding Hood | August 14, 2020 | Hulu Miramax |
Production services only; Miramax Animation's first film to be released by Miramax during their ViacomCBS tenure, as well as the first film to be released on streaming service due to the COVID-19 pandemic. | |
31 | Sweet Updated Skyla | April 29, 2021 | |||
32 | The Imaginary Guardian | November 5, 2021 | Paramount+ Hulu Miramax |
33 | Making Friends | August 19, 2022 | Miramax Lord Miller Productions Scholastic Entertainment |
TBD | |
34 | Jane & Suzy 3 | March 10, 2023 | Miramax Sonia Landry Studios |
TBD | |
35 | Duckumentary | October 27, 2023 | Miramax Hulu Paramount+ |
TBD | |
36 | Fowl Road | February 23, 2024 | Paramount+ Miramax |
37 | The Iguana Brothers | March 29, 2024 | Miramax |
Upcoming films[]
# | Title | Release date | Distributor/Co-produced with |
May 24, 2024 | |||
Mutts | August 2, 2024 | Miramax Paramount Pictures (under Paramount Animation) Nickelodeon Movies (with Nickelodeon Studios) | |
80 Days | December 25, 2024 | Miramax | |
Superbago | 2025 | ||
Sheepish | 2026 | Miramax | |
Tortoise vs. Hare | 2026 | Miramax
Hollywood Pictures Aardman Animations | |
2027 | Miramax
Skydance Animation Annapurna Pictures | ||
Rotter Island | 2027 | Miramax | |
2028 | Miramax |
Television series[]
# | Title | Years | Network | Co-production with | Notes |
1 | Dreamland | 1997–2000 | ABC | ||
2 | George's Magical Adventures | 1998–2000 | |||
3 | Clerks: The Animated Series | 2000–2002 | ABC (2000) Comedy Central (2002) |
View Askew Productions Woltz International Pictures Corporation Touchstone Television Walt Disney Television Animation (uncredited) |
4 | Savannah Run | 2000–2004 | ABC (2000-01) Disney Channel (2001-04) |
5 | Jaylan's Odyssey | 2001–2007 | Disney Channel | ||
6 | City Adventures | 2002–2006 | |||
7 | Jungle Safari | 2003–2006 | |||
8 | Dreamland Chronicles | 2004–2006 | Jetix | ||
9 | Fairy Tale Retell | Disney Channel | |||
10 | Legendary Legends | 2005–2006 | Jetix | ||
11 | Creative Explorers | Disney Channel |
More coming soon!
Television specials[]
Coming soon!
Short films[]
Coming soon!
Coming soon!