Musical Stories 90th is a 2002 American live-action/animated musical anthology film produced by Paramount Feature Animation. It is the 45th feature film produced by the studio. It was directed by Nancy Farwell and Don Bluth and written by Farwell, Julie Young, Zaiden Fischer, Nadia Hanson and Alexandra Farwell. It is the sequel to 1952's Musical Stories. Like its predecessor, Musical Stories 90th featuring ten different segments with different stories. Though the film is primarily animated, it also uses live-action segments to join its stories together.
After numerous unsuccessful attempts to develop a Musical Stories sequel, Paramount Pictures revived the idea shortly in 1987. Development paused until the commercial success of the 1992 home video release of Musical Stories convinced Farwell that there was enough public interest and funds for a sequel, to which she returned as a director. The film includes Broadway Choice from the 1952 original. Each new segment was produced by combining traditional animation with computer-generated imagery. It was released to celebrate Paramount's 95th anniversary.
Musical Stories 90th premiered on September 10, 2002, at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and released on regular theaters on September 27, 2002. The film received mostly positive reviews from critics, who praised several of its sequences, while also deeming its overall quality uneven in comparison to its predecessor. It grossed over $105.9 million worldwide on an $70–$75 million budget. It was later followed by Musical Stories: A New Revival in 2012.
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The film premiered at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on September 10, 2002, and was theatrically released on September 27, 2002 in the United States and Canada, in Australia on October 18, 1999, and in the United Kingdom on December 6, 2002.
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Home media[]
Musical Stories 90th was first released on VHS and DVD on January 28, 2003, with both featuring a specially made introduction in which Farwell gives a history of key innovations brought by various Paramount productions. While it was available as a single-disc DVD, a three-disc set titled A Musical Stories Anthology was released, including a digital copy of the film, a restored print of Musical Stories to commemorate its 50th anniversary, and a third disc containing bonus features.
On November 30, 2012, the film was issued for DVD and Blu-ray in a single and two-disc set with Musical Stories and a four-disc DVD and Blu-ray combo pack. The Blu-ray transfer presents the film in 1080p high-definition video with DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 surround sound.
In October 25, 2022, both films, along with Musical Stories: A New Revival, were re-released on HD and 4K digital download, with a physical media re-release on Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray.
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Main transcript[]
To see the transcript of the film, click here.
Trailer transcripts[]
To see the transcripts for the trailers of the film, click here.