Natalia's Story: In Search of the Horn is a 2005 American direct-to-video animated family musical comedy-drama film produced by Paramount Animation, Universal Cartoon Studios and Sonia Landry Studios, directed by Lynne Naylor and Larry Latham and animated overseas by Wang Film Productions. It is the second direct-to-video follow-up to Natalia's Story. It is also the third chapter of Natalia's Story series, as well as Paramount and Universal's final collaborative project.
Natalia's Story: In Search of the Horn was released on June 7, 2005 on DVD and VHS by Paramount Home Entertainment in North America and Universal Studios Home Entertainment overseas. Upon its release, it received mixed-to-negative reviews from critics but was well received by audiences.
Coming soon!
- Cathy Cavadini as Natalia
- Spencer Klein as Waylon
- Anndi McAfee as Averie the Mouse
- Richard Kind as Lenny the Cat
- Dom DeLuise as Ray the Dog
- Steven Weber as Case the Dog
- Tress MacNeille as Amina
- Jennifer Hale as Danna
More coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!