The Paramount Animated Collection is a VHS/DVD boxset consisting of the Paramount Pictures animated films, as well as films produced by Viacom Animation, Games Animation and Nickelodeon Movies. It was released from 2001 to 2006.
List of films[]
# | Title | Release date | Featuring in DVD |
1 | TBD | February 20, 2001 | Coming soon! |
2 | The Prince and the Pauper | April 10, 2001 | Coming soon! |
3 | Island of Parrots | June 19, 2001 | Coming soon! |
4 | Charlotte's Web | August 28, 2001 |
5 | Little Helpers | November 6, 2001 |
5 | The Lightning Storm | December 18, 2001 | Coming soon! |
6 | World of Wonderland | January 15, 2002 |
7 | Little Orphan Annie | March 5, 2002 | Coming soon! |
8 | Hansel and Gretel | May 7, 2002 | Coming soon! |
9 | The Missing Journey | July 9, 2002 | Coming soon! |
10 | Candy Land | September 17, 2002 | Coming soon! |
11 | The Children of California | November 12, 2002 | Coming soon! |
12 | Naturia | January 7, 2003 | Coming soon! |
13 | Mrs. Pretty Dog | March 18, 2003 | Coming soon! |
14 | Edwin & Triston | May 13, 2003 |
15 | The Tales of Jack and the Beanstalk | June 10, 2003 | Coming soon! |
16 | East of the Sun and West of the Moon | August 5, 2003 | Coming soon! |
17 | Natalia's Story | October 14, 2003 |
18 | The Chronicles of Narnia | December 16, 2003 | Coming soon! |
19 | The Prince and the Princess | January 20, 2004 | Coming soon! |
20 | Meredith's Journey | March 16, 2004 |
21 | Pop Teen Mice | May 25, 2004 | Coming soon! |
22 | Little Helpers To the Rescue | June 9, 2004 |
23 | Magical Forest | July 13, 2004 | Coming soon! |
24 | The Snow Queen | October 19, 2004 | Coming soon! |
25 | Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood | December 7, 2004 | Coming soon! |
26 | Future Legend | February 22, 2005 | Coming soon! |
27 | Hotel for Dogs | April 26, 2005 | Coming soon! |
28 | The Tales of Wind | June 21, 2005 | Coming soon! |
29 | The Six Swans | August 16, 2005 | Coming soon! |
30 | Trace & Destiny: A Little People Story | October 11, 2005 | Coming soon! |
31 | The Cry of the Wolf | December 2, 2005 | Coming soon! |
32 | Tennis Hero | January 24, 2006 | Coming soon! |
33 | Penguins in the Big City | January 24, 2006 | Coming soon! |
34 | Martha | March 21, 2006 | Coming soon! |
35 | The Magic Palace | May 16, 2006 | Coming soon! |
36 | A Wishing Fish | July 4, 2004 | Coming soon! |
37 | The Little Lost Lamb | November 7, 2006 | Coming soon! |