Paramount Animation Fan Wiki
Welcome to the Paramount Animation Fan Wiki!

Hello, this is Jeremy Carpenter/JeremyBirds772 again with my second wiki. This one is dedicated to documenting my fanon projects, but not related to JeremyWorks Studios and its properties. Originally, I used to documenting this kind of stuff on my JAB3P wiki, but since then, I was thinking I would make a another wiki unrelated to JeremyWorks to other wikis. PS: Almost everything you will see on this wiki is fake/fan-made. Don't get tricked into thinking it's real, and yes, there will be real Paramount animated media pages coming to the wiki, including Nickelodeon, since this is a wiki relating to Paramount Pictures. -- Jeremy Carpenter/JeremyBirds772

Affiliated Wikis[]

  • JeremyAngryBirds3 Pictures Wiki