Paramount Television Animation (PTVA) was an American animation studio that creates television series and specials, it is also a television animation division of Paramount Television Studios, owned by Paramount Pictures. The entity is a sister studio of Paramount Animation.
The division is responsible for creating, developing and producing animation-oriented television series, films, specials and short films for broadcast predominantly on the 3 main Paramount Global-branded networks; Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and Paramount Kids, as well as CBS, MTV, Nick at Nite and Paramount+.
On August 13, 2024, following much of its staff being laid off in a series of cutbacks at Paramount Global, it was announced that Paramount Television Animation, along with its parent company Paramount Television Studios, would be shutting down by the end of that week, with any ongoing and upcoming projects shifting to sister companies Nickelodeon Animation Studio and CBS Eye Animation Productions.
1967–1987: Early Beginnings
Gulf+Western has created its television animation division entitled in 1967 to produce animated shows as well as TV specials and TV movies.
More coming soon!
1990–2006: Networks & Syndication era
Paramount ToonWorld
Coming soon!
UPN Kids
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
2006–2017: Viacom & CBS split
Coming soon!
2017–2024: Animation resurgence and closure
Coming soon!
- Main article: List of Paramount Television Animation productions