Susan Telltale (also known as Susan Telltale: The Movie) is a 2003 American fantasy detective adventure comedy film directed by Justin Lin and based on the Games Animation animated television franchise of the same name. It stars Kirsten Dunst, David Cross, Michelle Rodriguez, Elijah Wood, and Kelly Preston. It is the first of two Susan Telltale feature films. The film centers on a young detective who goes on a mission to thwart an evil witch from affecting every fairy tale that exists.
The film was released on April 16, 2003 by Paramount Pictures in the United States. Although the film received generally mixed reviews from critics, it was a box office success, grossing $189.4 million worldwide on a budget of $60 million.
Coming soon!
- Kirsten Dunst as Susan Telltale
- David Cross as Hudson Anderson
- Michelle Rodriguez as Tamia Myth
- Elijah Wood as Rudy
- Kelly Preston as the Witch
More coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Animation and visual effects[]
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Other media[]
Coming soon!
Main transcript[]
To see the transcript of the film, click here.
Trailer transcripts[]
To see the transcripts for the trailers of the film, click here.