The Busy World of Richard Scarry is an animated children's television series, produced by CINAR Animation and France Animation in association with Paramount Television Animation, which aired from 1994 to 1997, first on Showtime, later on Nickelodeon, and ran for 65 episodes. The television series was based on the books drawn and written by Richard Scarry. Reruns of the show formerly aired in syndication as part of the Cookie Jar Kids Network block, but the show now continues to air on the Cookie Jar Toons block on This TV until October 26, 2013. Reruns of the show aired on Qubo from May 13, 2013, to September 25, 2016. However, it returned to Qubo on March 28, 2017, as part of the network's Night Owl block until May 26, 2018, and has also aired on Light TV, but has since left the network.
- Sonja Ball as Huckle Cat, additional voices
- Keith Knight as Lowly Worm, Snozzle, Able Baker Charlie, additional voices
- Judy Marshak as Fiona Cat, additional voices
- Philip Williams as Sergeant Murphy, Bruno Bear, additional voices
- Stephen Ouimette as Doctor Lion, Mr. Raccoon, additional voices
- Len Carlson as Mr. Frumble, Mr. Gronkle, Mayor Fox, additional voices
- Tara Meyer as Sally Cat, additional voices
- Cathy Gallant as Hilda Hippo, P.S. Pig, Thump, Deputy Flo, additional voices
- John Stocker as John Cat, Mr. Humperdink, Scotty Dog, Pedro, Wolfgang Wolf, additional voices
- Rino Romano as Billy Dog, additional voices
- David Berni as Bananas Gorilla, additional voices
- Peter Wildman as Mr. Fixit, Sniff, Pickles, additional voices
- Hadley Kay as Sprout Goat, Dennis Elephant, additional voices
- Stuart Stone as Kenny Bear (seasons 1-3), Pig Will (seasons 1-3), Pig Won't, Manuel
- Linda Feige as Miss Honey (early episodes)
- Susan Roman as Cucumber, Professor Dog, April Rhino, Squirty, additional voices
- Tara Strong as Lynnie Raccoon (season 5), additional voices
- Michael Caloz as Kenny Bear (later season 3), Vanderbuilt Gronkle, Robby Lion, Pig Will (season 5)
- Julie Lemieux as Russ
- Lisa Yamanaka as Bridget Murphy
The series takes place in the fictional city of Busytown and mainly stars Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm and many of the other residents of Busytown. Every "human" in the series is an anthropomorphic animal, most commonly pigs, foxes, breeds of dogs, mice, rabbits, goats, and cats. Each episode always features a conflict (which is eventually resolved in the end). However, episodes featuring other anthropomorphic animals, like Couscous catching Pépé le Gangstaire and his dirty rats, Sam and Dudley, Sneef and Sniff, Cucumber and Pickles, etc. have taken place outside of Busytown in other places around the world.
Episode list[]
Season 1: 1994[]
Nº | Segments | Air date | Synopsis |
1 | The Talking Bread / Couscous, the North African Detective / The Three Fishermen | March 13, 1994 | A bread in Able Baker Charlie's bakery repeatedly says "Mama".
The Cat Family goes fishing and returning with fish of different sizes. |
2 | The Best Birthday Present Ever / Patrick Pig Learns to Talk / Grouchy Mr. Gronkle | March 9, 1994
(special prime-time airing) |
Mother Cat gets a birthday present in the form of a cuckoo clock.
The grouchy Mr. Gronkle is angry when kids start skating on his frozen pond, but ends up needing their help. |
3 | The Busiest Firefighters Ever / Manuel of Mexico / The Biggest Catch Ever | March 20, 1994 | Huckle and Lowly join Smoky and his Firefighters for one day, and accidentally ruin someone's barbecue.
Rudolph Von Flugel takes Huckle and Lowly in his hot air balloon. |
4 | Mr. Raccoon's Different Day / Mario, the Venetian Gondolier / The Best Babysitter Ever | March 27, 1994 | Mr. Raccoon tries to have a different day.
Hilda babysits Pig Will and Pig Won't. |
5 | The Best Mistake Ever / Sneef, the Best Detective in Europe / Camping Out | April 3, 1994 | Huckle forgets a shopping list.
The Cat family goes camping. |
6 | Mr. Frumble's New Cars / Ernst and Heidi in the Alps / Billy Dog's Bad Day | April 10, 1994 | When Mr. Frumble crashes his car, he steals the bulldozer from Roger Rhino, a taxi and the airplane from Rudolph Von Flugel.
The new kid Billy Dog has a bad first day as he intimidates people with his gruff personality. |
7 | The Snowstorm / Professor Dig and His Egyptian Mummy / The Treasure Hunt | April 17, 1994 | Hilda believes her strength only causes trouble on the playground, but when a big snowstorm causes havoc in Busytown, her strength helps them out.
A treasure hunt takes place on the beach, but all Huckle and Lowly find is junk. |
8 | The Missing Bananas / Good Luck in Rome / The Accident | April 24, 1994 | Bananas Gorilla steals a batch of bananas.
Mr. Fixit's traffic light causes an accident. |
9 | A Trip to the Moon / Pip Pip Goes to London / Floating Bananas | May 1, 1994 | Wolfgang, Benny, Harry and Lowly try to fly to the moon.
Bananas wants to work on a banana cargo ship. |
10 | Hat Pie / Hans, the Dutch Plumber / Hilda's Romantic Tea Party | May 8, 1994 | Lowly's hat goes missing.
Hilda has a matchmaking tea party. |
11 | A Big Operation / Cucumber, the African Photographer / Summer Picnic | May 15, 1994 | Huckle gets his tonsils removed in a big operation, but pulls through on the promise of getting ice cream as a reward.
The class goes on a picnic, but a big storm forces them into a scary cave. |
12 | Sergeant Murphy's Day Off / Schmudge, the German Chimney Sweep / The Sleeping Car Adventure | May 22, 1994 | Sergeant Murphy gets his first day off.
Hilda takes a train ride while babysitting. |
13 | Busytown Regatta / Schtoompah, the Funny Austrian / Busytown Soap Box Derby | May 29, 1994 | Busytown celebrates a regatta race.
A Soap box race takes place in Busytown and Sally is left out. |
Season 2: 1995[]
Nº | Segments | Air date | Synopsis |
14 | The Big Story / Couscous in Gibraltar / The Firefighter's Ball | Spring 1995 | Huckle and Lowly become news reporters.
Smoky, Sparkey and Nozzle get a firefighters ball. |
15 | The Field Trip / The Great Pie Robbery / Clean Garage | Spring 1995 | The Scouts go on a field trip.
The Cat Family cleans out their garage. |
16 | Captain Willy and the Pirates / Flying Noodles / Roughing It | Spring 1995 | Captain Willy is put ashore by pirates and attempts to get his boat back, as well as catch them.
Fixit takes the scouts to camp. |
17 | Young Vikings / Sneef Saves the Queen / Hilda the Director | Spring 1995 | Huckle and Lowly go sailing on a raft that they built.
Hilda holds auditions for actors to star in her play. |
18 | High Flyers / Steamboat Mystery / The Best Waiters Ever | Spring 1995 | Rudolph Von Flugel takes Huck and Lowly up in his plane.
Mayor Fox invites another mayor to a restaurant. |
19 | The Big Move / Sneef in Russia / Mr. Frumble Gets a Job | Spring 1995 | Billy Dog is moving away.
Mr. Frumble gets his first job. |
20 | Ambulance Cake / The Supermarket Mystery / Big Trouble for Bananas Gorilla | Spring 1995 | The hospital hosts a bake sale.
Bananas Gorilla gets in more big trouble at his garage job. |
21 | Sergeant Murphy's Deputy / Couscous in the Sahara / New Friend on the Block | Spring 1995 | Overworked Sergeant Murphy gets help from Deputy Flo.
A new friend for Huckle arrives on his street as he tries to deliver cookies to a new neighbor. |
22 | The Biggest Storm Ever / Cucumber in Rockies / Sally's First Day at School | Spring 1995 | A big storm occurs and Sergeant Murphy evacuates all of Busytown to a shelter, but Mr. Gronkle is left behind.
Sally Cat starts kindergarten but would rather stay home and play with puppets. |
23 | No Time for Bananas / Sneef in India / Sally Cat's First Trip | Spring 1995 | Bananas Gorilla gets a crush.
Sally Cat goes on her first trip to visit her cousin Lily. |
24 | Grand Hotel / Couscous on the Nile / Cat Family Ski Trip | Spring 1995 | Father Cat reviews the Busytown Grand Hotel.
The Cat Family goes skiing. |
25 | Lowly Breaks His Leg / Cucumber in Machuu Pichuu / The Plight of Penelope Parakeet | Spring 1995 | Lowly breaks his one leg and has to survive with being unable to use it.
Huckle and Lowly pet-sit Penelope Parakeet. |
26 | A Newspaper Mom / Cucumber in Rio / Donut Raffle | Spring 1995 | Mother cat gets a job for newspaper delivering.
A Donut Raffle takes place in Busytown. |
Season 3: 1995–96[]
Nº | Segments | Air date | Synopsis |
27 | The Knights of Busytown / Cave Pigs / Bucketman in Busytown | Fall 1995 | A game of The Knights of Busytown ends when Sally doesn't want to be the maiden in distress.
Mr. Frumble gets stuck in a painted garbage can. |
28 | Billy Dog Gets Glasses / Cordelia's Debut / Lowly Joins the Circus | Fall 1995 | Billy Dog gets his first pair of glasses.
Lowly Worm takes part in a circus. |
29 | The Big Dare / Oliver's Sandwich / Pig Will Won't | Fall 1995 | Billy Dog claims he's not scared of ghosts.
Pig Will becomes Pig Won't. |
30 | The Best Birthday Party Ever / Martha's First Book / Locked Out | Fall 1995 | Two simultaneous birthday parties take place in Busytown.
Mr. Frumble gets locked out of his house. |
31 | Dad's Neat Job / The Discovery of America / Mr. Gronkle's Friends | Fall 1995 | Father Cat does a new job.
Mr. Gronkle's friends are introduced to his mom. |
32 | Denys at Camp / Peasant Pig's Gifts / Little Fixit | 1996 | Denys go to camp.
Little Fixit, the child of Mr. and Mrs. Fixit is introduced. |
33 | The School Dance / The First Olympics / Hilda for President | 1996 | Hilda plans a school dance.
Hilda runs for president against Billy Dog. |
34 | Mr. Frumble's Brother / Viking Pigs / The Perfect Wedding | 1996 | Mr. Frumble's twin brother goes searching for him.
Miss Honey and Bruno Bear are getting married. |
35 | A Tough Test / The First Pyramid / The Big Date | 1996 | Mr. Tough substitutes for the class.
Billy's mother goes on a date. |
36 | Inventor of the Year / Macaroni Polo / Lone Wolf at the Lighthouse | 1996 | Huckle is inspired to become an inventor.
Lone Wolfe grumpily guards a lighthouse. |
37 | Fun-Time Riddle Race / The First Balloon / Billy Dog's Space Rock | 1996 | A big riddle race takes place in Busytown starting at the Fire station (with the riddle "When things get really hot, we'll bring you some water") and ending at the Observatory (with the riddle "When it gets dark, look up and watch the show").
Billy Dog loses a meteorite from the observatory and tries to find and return it. |
38 | The Best Amusement Park Ever / The First Bridge / Say Cheese, Please! | 1996 | Wolfgang, Benny and Harry open a big amusement park, but have trouble in the process.
The class has to take photos of their families, but experience many problems and Huckle finally succeeds in taking the best picture. |
39 | Has Anyone Seen My Book? / P.J. Pig's Brave Day / Vanderbuilt's New Shoes | 1996 | Sally's book goes missing.
Mr. Gronkle's nephew Vanderbuilt fails the soccer team. |
Season 4: 1996[]
Nº | Segments | Air date | Synopsis |
40 | The Perfect Gentleman / The Best Painter Ever / The Best Day for Dennis | 1996 | Hilda's friend Rita comes to babysit.
Dennis has his best day. |
41 | A Trip Back in Time / Home Sweet Home / P.S. Pig's Special Friend | 1996 | Mr. Fixit builds a time machine.
P.S. Pig wishes she got a letter too. |
42 | Mr. Fixit's Magnet Machine / Sneef and Sniff at the Opera / Mr. Gronkle Won't Mind | 1996 | Mr. Fixit causes havoc with his new magnet machine that gets out of control and attracts anything made of metal.
An eventful day occurs in the lives of Lowly, Huckle, and Father Cat. |
43 | Peter's Visit / The First Skis Ever / Stage Fright | 1996 | Sally has an imaginary friend Peter.
Dennis gets stage fright at a public speaking contest. |
44 | End of the Rainbow / A Signal for Peng / Mr. Frumble's Birthday Party | 1996 | The class loves a story about a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Mr. Frumble forgets his own birthday party. |
45 | Bananas the Magician / The First Horseless Carriage / Princess Hilda | 1996 | Bananas Gorilla acts as a magician.
Hilda acts as a princess. |
46 | Daylight Savings Time [sic] / Eager Beaver's Clever Game / The Pickle Car Wash | 1996 | A clock tower gets stuck during Daylight Saving Time.
Mr. Frumble has his own car wash for his Pickle Car. |
47 | Triple A Deliveries / Stanley's Amazing Photo / Lost in the Swamp | 1996 | Several deliveries take place.
Someone gets lost in the swamp. |
48 | Mr. Fixit's Super Submarine / Cahuchu's Magic Tree / Mr. Bean's Restaurant | 1996 | Mr. Fixit invents a submarine and Lowly and Huckle give it a test ride.
Mr. Bean opens a drive-in restaurant but only serves beans. |
49 | The Best Christmas Present Ever / Abe and Babe's Christmas Lesson / Sally Cat's Christmas Dream | 1996 | The Cat family expects a baby on Christmas.
Sally Cat has a dream where Santa is in trouble. |
50 | The Best Car Trip Ever / Earnest's Dish You Can Eat / Cousin Ross | 1996 | The Cat family goes on a big car trip to the beach.
Cousin Ross comes to visit Huckle. |
51 | Fill'er Up Scotty / Niagara Falls Mystery / Helper's Helper | 1996 | Scotty's tanker truck breaks down.
Deputy Flo gets another helper. |
52 | Who's Afraid of the Big Eclipse / Hold Your Breath! / Pumpkin Heads | 1996 | When there is a misprint in The Bugle, the townspeople think that the sun will disappear for 360 years.
Huckle, Lowly and Sprout participate in a pumpkin contest. |
Season 5: 1997[]
Nº | Segments | Air date | Synopsis |
53 | The Mole Machine / The Royal Game of Dennis / Now That's Progress | 1997 | Mr. Fixit invents a mole machine.
Mr. Gronkle decides to demolish his decaying castle. |
54 | Superstitious Bananas / Pépé le Gangstaire / Drive-Through Movie | 1997 | Bananas Gorilla thinks he's doomed to bad luck.
A drive-through theater opens. |
55 | King and Queen for a Day / The Piggy Express / Practice Makes Prefect | 1997 | Huckle and Hilda become king and queen.
There is a school recital and everyone's unhappy with their parts. |
56 | The Winners / No More Games, Manuel! / We Won't Go to the Doctor! | 1997 | Busytown holds a race.
Pig Will and Pig Won't argue about the doctor. |
57 | Never Too Small / Albert, the Belgian Barge Captain / Rainy Day | 1997 | Sally and Robbie are too small for basketball.
Huckle, Lowly, and Sally are bored on a rainy day. |
58 | Mr. Gronkle Comes to Stay / Leo-pardo's Smile / Blooming Busytown | 1997 | Mr. Gronkle stays with the Cat family during winter, but freezes in the ice.
Mr. Root plants flowers all over Busytown. |
59 | Match-Makers / Forget-bur Never Forgets / Toof Trouble | 1997 | Huckle plays matchmaker for Mr. Frumble.
Hilda has a toothache and is in denial. |
60 | The New Neighbors / The First Halloween Ever / Now I Know My One, Two, Threes! | 1997 | A new neighbor moves into Busytown's spooky house.
Sally learns how to count after realizing it's okay to ask for help. |
61 | Mr. Gronkle Moves Away / Counting Chickens / The Spelling Bee | 1997 | Mr. Gronkle moves to the quiet countryside.
Billy enters a spelling bee despite lacking confidence in his abilities. |
62 | Huckle's Feathery Friends / The First Valentine Ever / The Sleepover | 1997 | Huckle knocks out a bird's nest.
Dennis goes to Sprout's sleepover. |
63 | Count on Us! / The First Easter Egg Ever / Be My Valentine | 1997 | The story of the first easter egg is featured, the Easter Bunny comes to Busytown and Huckle gets some bird friends. |
64 | The Mystery of the Stone Circle / The Big Apple Christmas Caper / Who's too Scared to Masquerade? / | 1997 | A substitute teacher takes the class to the Stone Circle.
Little kids are intimidated by a masquerade party. |
65 | A Message in a Bottle / Santa Needs Help / There Really is an Easter Bunny | 1997 | Series finale. While playing pirate, Huckle discovers a message in a bottle with an SOS message.
Everyone except Huckle and friends are excited for the Easter egg hunt. |
Home releases[]
On July 27, 2010, Mill Creek Entertainment released The Busy World of Richard Scarry: Every Day There's Something New on DVD in Region 1 (US only). This 3-disc set features the first 30 episodes of the series. On July 19, 2011, Mill Creek released The Busy World of Richard Scarry: Fun in Busytown!, a 4-disc set that features the remaining 35 episodes of the series.
On August 4, 2015, Mill Creek Entertainment released The Busy World of Richard Scarry- The Complete Series on DVD in Region 1 which includes bonus episodes of Busytown Mysteries, Wimzie's House and Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings.
Most of the music was written by two composers. The theme song was written by Sara Zahn and composed by Milan Kymlicka, while the underscore was composed and conducted by Laurent Petitgirard and Steve Wener. Several other composers contributed to several educational shorts in the series.