Thieves and Kings is a 2003 American-Canadian animated musical fantasy film produced by Paramount Feature Animation. It is based on the Canadian comic series of the same name by Mark Oakley, and was co-directed by Ralph Zondag and Dick Zondag, and written by Irene Mecchi and Paul Sabella. The film stars the voices of Scott Wolf, Jodi Benson, David Spade, Renée Zellweger, Beverley Mitchell, Sarah Silverman, and Dennis Hopper.
Thieves and Kings was released by Paramount Pictures on March 7, 2003, and received mixed reviews from critics, who praised its animation but criticized its story. The film underperformed at the box office, grossing only $96.2 million worldwide over its $80 million budget. Due to the film's disappointing box office performance, Paramount cancelled any plans for a sequel of the film.
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- Scott Wolf as Rubel, a 14-year-old boy who is combination of hero and everyman.
- Jodi Benson as Heath Wingwhit, a young girl who becomes a powerful sorceress in her own right.
- David Spade as Quinton Zempfester, a wizard who is immortal.
- Renée Zellweger as Soracia, an immortal sorceress.
- Beverley Mitchell as Katara, the princess of the kingdom and a sorceress in her own right.
- Sarah Silverman as Red Sorceress, Soracia's sister.
- Dennis Hopper as Ramanious Kath, Locumire and Soracia's boss.
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Additional voices[]
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Paramount's interest in the film rights to the Thieves and Kings comic book series dates back to when it was first published in 1994, with Dallas Sharp, during his trip in Canada, approaching creator Mark Oakley for their own animated feature film adaptation of the series. Early pitches for an adaptation included video games, animated and live-action films, an animated series, and a live-action series. To persuade him, Paramount gave Oakley a tour around the Feature Animation studio in Hollywood in the United States, which he eventually accepted one offer.
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Animation []
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- Main article: Thieves and Kings/Soundtrack
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Home media[]
Thieves and Kings was released on VHS and DVD on September 23, 2003. On March 4, 2021, Thieves and Kings, along with other Paramount Animation films, became available on Paramount+.
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Other media[]
Video game[]
- Main article: Thieves and Kings (video game)
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To see the main transcript of the film, click here.
To see the transcript for the trailers of the film, click here.